How is everyone this week?
I apologize (once again) for not being able to respond to everyone's
emails this week, and for how short this email will be! Time is
slipping away quicker than I like to see! I've nearly been on my
mission for 4 months! I wish I could pause it every so often, so I
could enjoy moments longer or email everyone back. But I hope you all
know how much I love and appreciate each of you!
This week was, as are all the others, a good one. Every day I wake up
so grateful to be alive and to have a whole new day to testify of
Christ to everyone I see! It's so good to be alive. God is so good. I
reread the talk "You matter to Him" by Dieter F Uchtdorf this week,
and this line from the talk really stuck with me: "This is a paradox
of man: compared to God, man is nothing; yet we are everything to
God." I love that idea. As I realize my own nothingness in comparison
to God, I am humbled to think that He loves me with a love that is as
infinite as it is enormous. His love for me will never end, simply
because I am His daughter. If I were the only human on the earth, He
still would have sent His Son to provide a way for me to return back
to His presence, because He loves me. Really, as a missionary the only
thing I do is help people remember who they are - beloved sons and
daughters of the Most High God! As they rediscover and remember that
divinity, a light changes in their countenance, and they are able to
draw closer and closer to Christ.
The miracle of God's love is that it is always there, for each of us,
in every moment. Nothing we do or don't do, no matter where we are, no
matter what we are doing, it is simply always there because we are
quite literally His sons and daughters. How grateful I am for that
I love each of you! Have a wonderful week :)
Hermana Hirschi
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